Food — The way to someone's heart

Did you manage to make to someone's heart through their stomach?

I am no cook neither do I have the qualities to become one ever. However, like many, I share the love for a good food. And probably it is one of the reasons why I will never be able to lose the extra pounds that I have gained over the years. To live is to eat a sumptuous meal. And the sumptuous meal consists of love, love, and love. And the love increases multifold when you share it with others.

But, then why am I writing about food? Well, blame it on my cousin. We are separated by a year and nine months. She lives miles across the world, seven seas away and if there's one thing we share the most — it is the love of food. Maybe it is in our blood, after all, we are Bongs and you cannot deprive a Bengali of a good meal.

So what is food to us? To me? To you?

Well, let's talk about tonight's dinner then. Chili Chicken or Chicken Chili — however, you would like to call it.

It is a favourite for us Indians, a favourite Chinese dish. But, funnily, it is not even Chinese. It is Indo-Chinese. The origin lies in India.

And just like Butter Chicken, I have never been able to come across the perfect Chili Chicken.

It is also one of my favourite dishes because there's a lot of nostalgia attached to it. My father learned it from one of his colleagues and introduced it to our kitchen. And it has been my favourite ever since then.

Food, you see, is not just a fuel to your body. It is like music, a book, a painting, a movie... something that connects one to another. It is sometimes not about cooking or the meal but the joy of sharing it, seating together at a dinner table, talking about the day, and enjoying a simple meal.

It doesn't have to a certain kind of food to make it to someone's heart, but maybe the emotions and feelings attached to it.

I didn't even know that a meat is cooked brown properly if it is totally dry. I just knew what I want to make and eat and I wanted to share it with someone who would appreciate and love.

Isn't food all about that after all?

So, tonight's dinner is dedicated to my sister, who lives 13, 386 kms away. I hope I have made it to your heart. And as for the recipe, I shall share soon. 

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